Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Garbage Truck....

Hi Friends

At long last, I am back to blogging. After a gap of almost 2 years....

The topic that I would like to write about today is a phenomenon known as the "Garbage Truck".

I recently read a wonderful article on the Garbage truck. Some of you may be wondering why someone would spend some time writing and reading on something as stinking, horrible, as a Garbage Truck...Well read on..

Everyday, in our lives, we come across all sorts of people exhibiting a range of emotions. Some are happy, some are sad, worried. When one interacts with these people, a range of emotions are felt and given. Interacting with happy people, brings about a feeling of positivity and happiness.

On the other hand, interacting with people who are sad, worried only brings feelings of negativity. These people will dump their emotional garbage, worries, tensions onto you and make you feel negative as well. They turn you into a "Garbage Truck". This will just have a snowballing effect and create more garbage trucks everywhere. You will tend to get upset over a range of issues and the response to issues will be more than what is warranted. This may be due to presence of your own negative thoughts and issues which are further supported and motivated by the "Garbage" that gets thrown on you through the day.

The point in question is how does one tackle such issues? Well, I am no expert on human psychological matters, however, one thing which I've noticed that works most of the times, is a simple positive response to a negative person. Negativity thrives on negativity. Negativity seeks more negativity. Unlike Mathematics, two negatives, will not turn positive!

One should offer a kind word, lend a shoulder to cry on, or any other positive response to a person who is affected by negativity, but one should remember that you should never let that negativity affect you. A simple illustration - Your boss just called you for a Monday morning meeting. A simple error committed by you results in a huge reprimand from your boss. You then get affected by this and spend the entire day brooding over it. You meet other colleagues during work and pass on this "garbage" to others. They in-turn may pass it on to their other colleagues, friends etc. This has a domino effect and has a huge impact. We should begin by understanding what went through the mind of the boss on the morning? He may have had a fight with his spouse or may be his senior may yelled at him etc. This led to an entire chain of negative thoughts and actions throughout the organization.

A simple response to the above would be to take the reprimand from the boss in a positive way and work around to resolve issues. The negative train stops then and there!!

The above is easier said than done. However this is required for a peaceful and a healthy mind. The above is just an illustration. Garbage can come from anywhere. What is important is how we respond to it.

Like negativity, positivity attracts more positivity. A positive mind will help clean out garbage from our minds and help us focus on what is important and what is not.

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